MR Enterography
Magnetic resonance enterography is an imaging test that is done to get detailed pictures of the small intestine. It helps the doctor to detect bleeding, inflammation, obstruction, and other problems.
It is a painless test and does not involve any radiation. It makes use of the magnetic field which helps to create detailed images of the small intestine. It is not an X-Ray and the time taken to complete this procedure is around 45 minutes.
Oral and intravenous contrast dyes are given before the exam to highlight the small intestine. A drug may also be given to slow down the movement of the bowel which may interfere with the images.
You should always inform your doctor about any health condition, medical surgery, or allergy before going for the test. You should also tell if there is any metal or device in your body and also if you are pregnant.

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Why do you need this test?
MR Enterography is recommended by the doctor to diagnose the following conditions:
Inflammation |
Crohn disease |
Tumors |
Internal bleeding |
Bowel obstructions |
Blockages |
Areas of irritation and swelling |
Celiac disease |
Polyposis syndromes |
Radiation Enteritis |
Scleroderma |
Postoperative adhesions |
Advantages of MR Enterography –
- It is a painless method and does not involve radiation.
- It can detect the abnormalities that might be hidden behind the bone.
- This method may be preferred for people of young age and having inflammatory bowel disease as it does not use radiation.
- It helps to detect the areas of bowel inflammation that is due to disease such as Crohn’s.
- The gadolinium contrast material that is used in MRI is likely to cause a less allergic reaction as compared to the contrast material used in X-Rays and CT Scans.
Risks involved in MR Enterography –
- Though the magnetic field is not harmful but it may affect the functioning of the implanted devices and damage the images.
- The intravenous contrast may affect the kidneys.
- Contrast dyes can cause allergic reactions.
- There is a risk of using sedation in excess.
- Although it possesses no risk but a small quantity of gadolinium can stay in the body especially in the brain after having many MRI scans.
Limitations of MR Enterography –
- There are weight limits on the scanner as a very large person may not fit.
- The movement of the patient, implants, and other metallic objects may create a hindrance in obtaining clear images.
- MR Enterography takes more time than CT Enterography which lasts for around 2-4 minutes.
- The irregular heartbeat may impact the quality of the image.
- High-quality images can only be obtained when the person is lying still and holding their breath as and when instructed.
- The patient should take the complete dose of oral contrast material for optimum results.
Things to do before MR Enterography –
- Get the tests done which have been suggested by the healthcare provider.
- Inform the doctor if you’re pregnant.
- Let the doctor know if you have any implanted devices.
- Know the proper reason why the test is being done.
- Let your doctor about any allergies that you have.
- Inform the doctor about any medications that you take on a regular basis.
- If you have hearing sensitivity, ask for earplugs.
- Discuss about the sedation with the doctor.
After effect of MR Enterography –
Though there are not many effects of MR Enterography but some people experience cramping, diarrhea, or mild nausea.
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